File:  [LON-CAPA] / capa / capa51 / pProj / capaFunction.h
Revision 1.3: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Feb 9 22:10:24 2000 UTC (25 years ago) by albertel
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
- fixed Unit parsing to allow m/m == 1
- added new function init_array to delete all elements from an array
- fixed parser coded so it can be compiled with bison
- started addition of new functions to compute new random

/* =||>>================================================================<<||= */
/* 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567 */
/* =||>>================================================================<<||= */


#define  RANDOM_F       1
#define  CHOOSE_F       2
#define  TEX_F          3
#define  VAR_IN_TEX_F   4
#define  PIN_F          5
#define  CLASS_F        6
#define  SECTION_F      7
#define  PROBLEM_F      8
#define  SET_F          9
#define  NAME_F         10
#define  SNUMBER_F      11
#define  DUE_DATE_F     12
#define  DUE_DAY_F      13
#define  OPEN_DATE_F    14
#define  ANSWER_DATE_F  15
#define  TO_STRING_F    16
#define  FORMAT_F       17
#define  PICK_F         18
#define  HTML_F         19
#define  WEB_F          20
#define  LINK_F         21
#define  SUB_STRING_F   22
#define  GET_SEED_F     23
#define  SET_SEED_F     24
#define  ARRAY_INDEX_F  25
#define  DURATION       27
#define  STRLEN_F       28
#define  STRCHR_F       29
#define  WEB_SERVER_F   30

/* ------------------------ Trigonometry Functions */

#define  SIN_F          31
#define  COS_F          32
#define  TAN_F          33
#define  ASIN_F         34
#define  ACOS_F         35
#define  ATAN_F         36
#define  SINH_F         37
#define  COSH_F         38
#define  TANH_F         39
#define  ASINH_F        40
#define  ACOSH_F        41
#define  ATANH_F        42
#define  J_ZERO_F       43
#define  J_ONE_F        44
#define  J_N_F          45
#define  Y_ZERO_F       46
#define  Y_ONE_F        47
#define  Y_N_F          48
#define  ATANTWO_F      49
#define  LOG_F          50
#define  LOG_TEN_F      51
#define  EXP_F          52
#define  POW_F          53
#define  ERF_F          54
#define  ERFC_F         55
#define  SQRT_F         56
#define  FACTORIAL_F    57

#define  ARRAY_MIN_F    58
#define  ARRAY_MAX_F    59

#define  MIN_F          60
#define  MAX_F          61
#define  ABS_F          62
#define  FLOOR_F        63
#define  CEIL_F         64
#define  SGN_F          65
#define  MOD_F          66
#define  REMAINDER_F    67
#define  SIGNIFICANT_F  68

#define  TO_INT_F           70
#define  ROUNDTO_F          71
#define  EVALUATE_F         72
#define  ARRAY_MOMENTS_F    73
#define  ARRAY_MEDIUM_F     74
#define  ARRAY_VARIANCE_F   76
#define  ARRAY_STD_DEV_F    77
#define  ARRAY_SKEWNESS_F   78
#define  ARRAY_INDEX_CNT_F  79

#define  CAPAID_PLUS    80
#define  SEAT_NUMBER    81
#define  IS_OPEN_F      82
#define  IS_DUE_F       83
#define  IS_ANSWER_F    84
#define  FIRSTNAME_F    85
#define  LASTNAME_F     86
#define  CLASSPATH_F    87
#define  CLASSNAME_F    88
#define  MANAGERMODE_F  89

#define  CORRECT_F      100
#define  TRIES_F        101
#define  GRADE_F        102

#define  RANDOM_NORMAL_F      103
#define  RANDOM_BETA_F        104
#define  RANDOM_GAMMA_F       105
#define  RANDOM_PARETO_F      107

#define  INIT_ARRAY_F         110

#define  MIS_ARG_COUNT  97
#define  MIS_ARG_TYPE   98
#define  UNKNOWN_F      99


int     match_function( );
Symbol *do_function();

#endif  /* CAPA_FUNCTION_H */

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