Diff for /loncom/build/Makefile between versions 1.20 and 1.165

version 1.20, 2001/01/08 17:57:06 version 1.165, 2004/08/09 21:17:50
Line 1 Line 1
 # Makefile  # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # For LON-CAPA  
 # Scott Harrison  
 # November 2000  
  # nothing yet here  
  # Build temporary script to get cd  
  # make sure there is enough disk space  
  @echo "# Automatically generated Makefile for LON-CAPA" > Makefile.cd.tmp  
  @/bin/df $(CDTARGET) | perl -e '@l=<>;split(/\s+/,$$l[1]);$$s=@_[3]*1024;if ($$s>1000000000) {print "\S=1\n";} else {print "\S=0\n";}' >> Makefile.cd.tmp  
  @echo "cd:" >> Makefile.cd.tmp  
  @echo -e "ifeq (\$$(S),1)" >> Makefile.cd.tmp  
  @echo -e "\t@echo \"There is enough disk space.  Good!\"" >> Makefile.cd.tmp  
  # set up commands to copy cd image from install.lon-capa.org (wget -r)  
  @echo -e "\tcd \$$(TARGET); wget -np -N -r -l 1000 http://install.lon-capa.org/3.1/currentcdsource" >> Makefile.cd.tmp  
  @echo -e "\tcd \$$(TARGET); find ./install.lon-capa.org -name index.html | xargs rm -f" >> Makefile.cd.tmp  
  # set up cvs update commands  
  # set up cd image compilation (mkisofs)  
  @echo -e "\tcd \$$(TARGET)/install.lon-capa.org/3.1/currentcdsource/; mkisofs -v -R -T -V \"LON-CAPA and Red Hat 6.2\" -b images/boot.img -c boot.cat -o \$$(TARGET)/redhat.img ." >> Makefile.cd.tmp  
  @echo -e "else" >> Makefile.cd.tmp  
  @echo -e "\t@echo \"ERROR ******* Not enough disk space. There must be at least one gigabyte free\"" >> Makefile.cd.tmp  
  @echo -e "endif" >> Makefile.cd.tmp  
  @echo -e "\t@echo \"To mount this for something like an http network install; mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 /mnt/drive/redhat.img /home/harris41/public_html/mount\"" >> Makefile.cd.tmp  
  make -f Makefile.cd.tmp TARGET="$(CDTARGET)" cd  
 cd_cover:  # $Id$
   # TYPICAL USAGE of this Makefile is primarily for two targets:
   # "make build" and "make install".
   # Many other targets and features are supported (see the initial
   # help targets).
   # ======================================= Default settings for Makefile options
   DISTPROBE=`perl ./distprobe`
   LAUNCH=| perl
   QUERYLAUNCH=> /tmp/loncapa_query.pl; perl /tmp/loncapa_query.pl
   # The current working definition for "RELEASE" is: changes not in the software,
   # but in the operating system dependent packaging of the software.  Thus, the
   # generic tarball releases do not need to have a release number specified.
   RELEASE=1 # As a general rule for now, this is always being set to "1".
   # =============================================== Help targets for the Makefile
   # If 'make' is run without any arguments, the 'help' target is called since
   # it is the first target.
    @echo "*** You need to specify a valid target ***"
    @echo "To get a list of valid targets: \"make help_TARGETS\""
    @echo "To get a list of valid options: \"make help_OPTIONS\""
    @echo " "
    @echo "Typically invoked targets are:"
    @echo "    make build"
    @echo "    make install"
    @echo "    make test"
    @echo "    make clean"
    @echo "* ADJUSTABLE OPTIONS *"
    @echo "(option) DIST can be redhat7, debian, redhat6.2, or default"
    @echo "         You probably do not need to specify this; it is"
    @echo "         automatically probed for."
    @echo "(option) CATEGORY can be 'runtime' or 'development'; currently"
    @echo "         the 'development' setting is the most reliable;"
    @echo "         eventually, production machines should be using the"
    @echo "         'runtime' settings"
    @echo "(option) SOURCE is an absolute or relative directory path."
    @echo "         SOURCE corresponds to the root directory of the"
    @echo "         loncapa source release"
    @echo "(option) TARGET is an absolute or relative directory path."
    @echo "         This is where files will be installed on your system."
    @echo "         Typically, this should be set to nothing (which"
    @echo "         corresponds to the '/' root of the entire filesystem)."
    @echo "(option) NORESTORECONF, when set to a non-zero value, stops"
    @echo "         filesystem upgrades from overwriting existing "
    @echo "         configuration files.  Ordinarily, NORESTORECONF=0, "
    @echo "         because the existing configuration files are safely"
    @echo "         dealt with (or so one hopes... :) )."
    @echo "(option) HOSTNAME specifies the name of a remote server for"
    @echo "         which a NET_* Makefile target should be launched"
    @echo "(option) VERSION; especially useful for the 'tardist' target"
    @echo "         this tags the tarball file and internal directories"
    @echo "         with a specific version string (conventionally "
    @echo "         numeric)"
    @echo "test: test different parts of the LON-CAPA system (TEST_*)."
    @echo "      Makefile-dependent processes as well as horizontal and"
    @echo "      vertical aspects of the LON-CAPA system architecture"
    @echo "      are all tested."
    @echo "TEST_lpml_scripts: make sure that the system can process"
    @echo "                   the Linux Packaging Markup Language."
    @echo "                   This is neither horizontal or vertical"
    @echo "                   testing.  The idea is to make sure that"
    @echo "                   the installation software itself works"
    @echo "                   as expected."
    @echo "TEST_system_dependencies: make sure that all needed system "
    @echo "                          components are active and present "
    @echo "                          on the server such as perl modules"
    @echo "                          and the MySQL database"
    @echo "                          (horizontal testing)"
    @echo "TEST_web_layer: mimic a login and various vertical actions on "
    @echo "                a LON-CAPA system"
    @echo "TEST_hosts_and_domain_tab: make sure that a "
    @echo "        loncapa/loncom/hosts.tab and loncapa/loncom/domain.tab"
    @echo "        file is specified for installation"
    @echo "TEST_html2ps: test for the presence of html2ps which is needed"
    @echo "              for making a PDF compilation for pdfdoc"
    @echo "*** GENERAL TARGETS SUCH AS 'build' AND 'install' ***"
    @echo "build: compile the source tree"
    @echo "buildflag: a semaphore that helps educate the user to run"
    @echo "           'make build' first before running 'make install'"
    @echo "configinstall: install configuration files and restore with"
    @echo "               prior information"
    @echo "install: install from a ***compiled*** source tree"
    @echo "         (see make build) to a specified TARGET destination"
    @echo "         on the filesystem (default setting is TARGET=/)."
    @echo "rawinstall: just install files, links and directories without"
    @echo "            any bells or whistles (e.g. double-checking"
    @echo "            configurations, fine-tuning webserver, etc.)"
    @echo "hosts_and_domain_tab: install the hosts.tab and domain.tab" 
    @echo "                      to the filesystem"
    @echo "webserverconf: fine-tune the web server configuration;"
    @echo "               make sure the proper 'Include' statements"
    @echo "               are appended to httpd.conf"
    @echo "vanillatar: generate top-level files such as README, UPDATE,"
    @echo "            CHECKRPMS, and TEST (needed by tardist)"
    @echo "tardist: build a tarball that will upgrade the software on a "
    @echo "         system"
    @echo "sanitycheck: probe for common errors and recommend fixes to"
    @echo "             the user"
    @echo "accesscount_seed: Migrate the access counting mechanism from "
    @echo "    nohist_reseval.db to nohist_accesscount.db."
    @echo "modify_config_files: Perform automatic update of the "
    @echo "    configuration files for yum and MySQL."
    @echo "ntpcheck: test to see if ntp is installed and running."
    @echo "cron_lpmlcheck: remove cron file /etc/cron.d/loncapa.lpml."
    @echo "rpmcheck: test to see if rpms known to confict are installed."
    @echo "updatequery: solicit the user for machine configuration"
    @echo "             information; to be incorporated during an update"
    @echo "             procedure (via the UPDATE command)"
    @echo "postinstall: double-check things after installation"
    @echo "VERSION: tag the filesystem with version information inside"
    @echo "         /etc/loncapa-release and"
    @echo "         /home/httpd/html/lon-status/version.txt"
    @echo "aboutVERSION: place version information inside about.html"
    @echo "              and loncapa_apache.conf"
    @echo "*** Makefile.* TARGETS BUILT DYNAMICALLY FROM loncapafiles.lpml ***"
    @echo "Makefile.configinstall: generate a Makefile for configuration"
    @echo "                        files; built dynamically from"
    @echo "                        loncapafiles.lpml"
    @echo "Makefile.build: generate a Makefile for compiling"
    @echo "                files inside the source directory; "
    @echo "                Makefile.build is generated from"
    @echo "                loncapafiles.lpml"
    @echo "Makefile.install: generate a Makefile for installing"
    @echo "                  files; built dynamically from"
    @echo "                  loncapafiles.lpml"
    @echo "lpmladm: coordinates username=lpmladm mediated secure shell"
    @echo "         processes; needed for the NET_* targets"
    @echo "NET_hosts_and_domain_tab: install the hosts.tab and domain.tab"
    @echo "                          to a filesystem elsewhere"
    @echo "                          on the network"
    @echo "NET_webserverconf: fine-tune the web server configuration on a"
    @echo "                   filesystem elsewhere on the network"
    @echo "NET_rawinstall: launch the rawinstall target on a filesystem"
    @echo "                elsewhere on the network"
    @echo "MANIFEST_all: generate a list of all files to be included in"
    @echo "              the distributed tarball"
    @echo "MANIFEST_cvs: essentially a list of all CVS/Entries files used"
    @echo "              for 'time-checking' intelligence"
    @echo "MANIFEST_lpml: a list of all LON-CAPA files to be installed,"
    @echo "               compile from, used as building software, and"
    @echo "               testing"
    @echo "MANIFEST_vanillatar: 'README'-type top-level files that a user"
    @echo "                     of the distributed tarball would first"
    @echo "                     look at and work with"
    @echo "*** STATUS REPORT TARGETS ***"
    @echo "warningnote: analyze the WARNINGS file and produce a synopsis"
    @echo "             and recommended action to the user"
    @echo "HTML: generate an HTML-formatted description of the LON-CAPA"
    @echo "      source files"
    @echo "status: compare the TARGET filesystem with a compiled loncapa "
    @echo "        source directory"
    @echo "statuspost: post the results of "make status" to "
    @echo "            TARGET/home/httpd/html/lon-status/filestatus.html"
    @echo "rpmstatus: compare the rpms on a system to defined lists "
    @echo "           loncapa/doc/otherfiles/cd_rpms and "
    @echo "           loncapa/doc/otherfiles/rpm_list.txt"
    @echo "rpmstatuspost: post the results of 'make rpmstatus' to "
    @echo "            TARGET/home/httpd/html/lon-status/rpmstatus.html"
    @echo "RPM: build LON-CAPA-base RPM from loncapa source repository"
    @echo "     (still under development)"
    @echo "DPKG: build a loncapa Debian package from loncapa source"
    @echo "      repository (still under development)"
    @echo "base_rpm_file_list: create a file listing to be used for"
    @echo "                    generating an RPM software package"
    @echo "BinaryRoot: create a BinaryRoot directory to be used for"
    @echo "            generating an RPM software package"
    @echo "doc: generate web-page documentation for install.lon-capa.org"
    @echo "     (and eventually for documentation on installed machines)"
    @echo "pdfdoc: make a PDF-formatted compilation of all installation"
    @echo "        documentation"
    @echo "*** KEEPING THINGS CLEAN ***"
    @echo "clean: remove any files that might (even by remote chance)"
    @echo "       interfere with rebuilding/recompiling software"
    @echo "reallyclean: remove all files that were generated during"
    @echo "             building or compilation of the software"
    @echo "uninstall: remove all directories that do not contain files"
    @echo "           from other software packages and that do not contain"
    @echo "           student and instructor data; NOTE THAT THIS IS"
    @echo "           INTERACTIVE--you will be given a final chance"
    @echo "           to look at what will and will not be deleted."
    @echo "           Still, be careful.  This is a very new target and is"
    @echo "           an alpha-level software feature for now."
    @echo "backup: rolls a tarball backup of all important student and "
    @echo "        instructor data (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)"
    @echo "restore: reseeds a LON-CAPA server with tarball backups "
    @echo "         generated by \"make backup\" (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)"
    @echo "*** AUXILIARY TESTS ***"
    @echo "localauth: tests to see if localauth exists or not and run"
    @echo "           appropriate tests"
    @echo "*** A HELPFUL DEPENDENCY ***"
    @echo "alwaysrun: blank target that is a dependency for targets"
    @echo "           that should \"always run\""
   # =========================== *** RUNNING TESTS TO ENSURE SOLID PERFORMANCE ***
   test: TEST_lpml_scripts TEST_system_dependencies TEST_web_layer
    cd system_dependencies; make
    cd ../test; perl filecomparetest.pl
    cd weblayer_test; make
    @echo "Testing hosts.tab"
    @if (test -e ../hosts.tab); then \
    echo "there is a defined link or file; assume okay"; \
    else echo "**** ERROR **** hosts.tab not defined!" && \
        echo -n "You need to do one of the following within your " && \
        echo "CVS repository (cd loncapa/loncom)" && \
        echo "   1) ln -s production_hosts.tab hosts.tab" && \
        echo "   2) ln -s development_hosts.tab hosts.tab" && \
        echo "or 3) ln -s rawhide_hosts.tab hosts.tab" && \
        echo "(you most likely want option #1, production_hosts.tab)" && \
        exit 1; \
    @echo "Testing domain.tab"
    @if (test -e ../domain.tab); then \
    echo "there is a defined link or file; assume okay"; \
    else echo "**** ERROR **** domain.tab not defined!" && \
        echo -n "You need to do one of the following within your " && \
        echo "CVS repository (cd loncapa/loncom)" && \
        echo "   1) ln -s production_domain.tab domain.tab" && \
        echo "   2) ln -s development_domain.tab domain.tab" && \
        echo "or 3) ln -s rawhide_domain.tab domain.tab" && \
        echo "(you most likely want option #1, production_domain.tab)" && \
        exit 1; \
    @if (test -e /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps); then \
    echo "I can find html2ps; assume okay"; \
    else \
    echo "**** ERROR **** cannot find /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps!" && \
           echo "Please visit http://www.tdb.uu.se/~jan/html2ps.html" && \
    exit 1; \
   # ======================= *** GENERAL TARGETS SUCH AS 'build' AND 'install' ***
   build: Makefile.build pod2html.sh pod2man.sh
    install -d $(SOURCE)/doc/man
    install -d $(SOURCE)/doc/scripts
    install -d $(SOURCE)/doc/lib/perl/Apache
    echo -n "" > WARNINGS
    make -f Makefile.build all
    echo '1' > buildflag
    make warningnote
    @echo "**** ERROR **** You need to run 'make build' first" > WARNINGS
    make warningnote
    @need_to_run_make_build_first 2>/dev/null
   configinstall: Makefile.configinstall
    make -f Makefile.configinstall SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" \
    if (test "0" = $(NORESTORECONF)); then \
    perl loncaparestoreconfigurations suffix .lpmlnew; fi
   install: buildflag VERSION TEST_hosts_tab TEST_domain_tab Makefile.install Makefile
    echo -n "" > WARNINGS
    make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" \
    make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" files
    make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" links
    make SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" \
    make postinstall
    make warningnote
    @echo "You can now run 'make test' to see if your system is ready to go!"
   # @echo -n "PASSWORD=\"localhostkey\" FOR www\@localhost"
   # @echo -n "(YOU MAY NEED TO REINITIALIZE YOUR MYSQL www\@localhost USER)"
   # @echo -n "Please see http://install.lon-capa.org/ for more information"
   rawinstall: VERSION Makefile.install Makefile
    echo -n "" > WARNINGS
    make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" \
    make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" files
    make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" links
    make SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" \
   hosts_and_domain_tab: TEST_hosts_tab TEST_domain_tab
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
    perl xfml_parse.pl $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/valid_hosts.xfml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl install $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(SOURCE)" \
    "$(TARGET)" > Makefile.install
    make -f Makefile.install directories
    make -f Makefile.install files
    @echo "If hosts.tab or domain.tab has changed, restart httpd and loncontrol:"
    @echo "   /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart"
    @echo "   /etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol restart"
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/webserver.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH)
   # ---------------- Top-level files such as README, UPDATE, CHECKRPMS, and TEST
    # --------------------------- Point UPDATE to the internal make process
    echo '#!/bin/sh' > $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
    echo 'touch loncom/build/WARNINGS' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE;
    echo 'ln -s loncom/build/WARNINGS WARNINGS' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE;
    echo 'cd loncom/build; make build' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
    echo 'make rawinstall' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
    echo 'make configinstall' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
    echo 'make updatequery' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
    echo 'make hosts_and_domain_tab' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
    echo 'make postinstall' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
    echo 'make aboutVERSION' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
    echo 'make warningnote' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
    # ----------------------------- Point TEST to the internal make process
    echo '#!/bin/sh' > $(SOURCE)/TEST
    echo 'cd loncom/build; make test' >> $(SOURCE)/TEST
    echo 'cd system_dependencies || cd loncom/build/system_dependencies; cp -v CPAN_STATUS_REPORT ../../../CPAN_STATUS_REPORT' >> $(SOURCE)/TEST
    # ----------------------------- Copy CHECKRPMS to the vanilla top-level
    cp -v $(SOURCE)/loncom/build/CHECKRPMS $(SOURCE)/CHECKRPMS
    # ----------------------- vanilla executables must indeed be executable
    chmod a+rx $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
    chmod a+rx $(SOURCE)/TEST
    chmod a+rx $(SOURCE)/CHECKRPMS
    # -------------------------------- Copy README to the vanilla top-level
    #cp -v $(SOURCE)/doc/shortest_path_redhat7.2.txt $(SOURCE)/README
    make MANIFEST_all
    make vanillatar
    # -------------------------------------------------------- Make tardist
    @cd $(SOURCE); \
    if (test -h $(DIRTARGET)); then \
    echo "$(DIRTARGET) link already defined; assume okay"; \
    else \
    ln -s . $(DIRTARGET); \
    cp -v $(SOURCE)/loncom/license/about.html \
    cp -v $(SOURCE)/loncom/loncapa_apache.conf \
    make aboutVERSION
    cd $(SOURCE); \
    tar --no-recursion --numeric-owner --files-from MANIFEST \
    -h -czf $(DIRTARGET).tar.gz 2>tar_WARNINGS || [ "0" == "0" ]
    mv -v $(SOURCE)/loncom/license/about.html.orig \
    mv -v $(SOURCE)/loncom/loncapa_apache.conf.orig \
    cat $(SOURCE)/tar_WARNINGS | \
    xargs --replace=XXX echo '**** WARNING **** XXX' > WARNINGS
    rm -f $(SOURCE)/tar_WARNINGS
    make warningnote
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/ntpcheck.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH) | \
    tee -a WARNINGS
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/cron_lpmlcheck.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH) | \
    tee -a WARNINGS
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/rpmcheck.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH) | \
    tee -a WARNINGS
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/sanitycheck.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH) | \
    tee -a WARNINGS
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/updatequery.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(QUERYLAUNCH)
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/run_searchcat.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(QUERYLAUNCH)
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/accesscount_seed.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH) | \
    tee -a WARNINGS
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/modify_config_files.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH) | \
    tee -a WARNINGS
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/reseval_fixup.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH) | \
    tee -a WARNINGS
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/clearoutoldspreadsheetcache.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH) | \
    tee -a WARNINGS
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/sendmail_fix.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH) | \
    tee -a WARNINGS
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/ownership_fix.piml | \
    perl piml_parse.pl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH) | \
    tee -a WARNINGS
    make webserverconf
    make reseval_fixup
    make accesscount_seed
    make modify_config_files
    make clearoutoldspreadsheetcache
    make rpmcheck
    make ntpcheck
    make cron_lpmlcheck
    make sanitycheck
    make sendmail_fix
    make ownership_fix
    install -d $(TARGET)/etc
    echo -n "LON-CAPA release $(VERSION)-" > $(TARGET)/etc/loncapa-release
    date +"%Y%m%d" >> $(TARGET)/etc/loncapa-release
    install -d $(TARGET)/home/httpd/html/lon-status
    echo -n "$(VERSION)-" > $(TARGET)/home/httpd/html/lon-status/version.txt
    date +"%Y%m%d" >> $(TARGET)/home/httpd/html/lon-status/version.txt
    cat $(SOURCE)/loncom/license/about.html | \
    perl -e '$$d=`date +"%Y%m%d"`;chomp($$d);while(<>){s/\<\!\-\- VERSION \-\-\>/$(VERSION)-$$d/; print;}' > \
    mv -v $(SOURCE)/loncom/license/about.html.new \
    cat $(SOURCE)/loncom/loncapa_apache.conf | \
    perl -e '$$d=`date +"%Y%m%d"`;chomp($$d);while(<>){s/\<\!\-\- VERSION \-\-\>/$(VERSION)-$$d/; print;}' > \
    mv -v $(SOURCE)/loncom/loncapa_apache.conf.new \
   # ========= *** Makefile.* TARGETS BUILT DYNAMICALLY FROM loncapafiles.lpml ***
   Makefile.configinstall: $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml \
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl configinstall $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(SOURCE)" \
    "$(TARGET)" > Makefile.configinstall
   Makefile.build: $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml lpml_parse.pl
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl build $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(SOURCE)" "$(TARGET)" \
    > Makefile.build
   Makefile.install: alwaysrun
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl install $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(SOURCE)" \
    "$(TARGET)" > Makefile.install
    @if (test $(METAMTARGET) = "TRANSPORT"); then \
    echo "Transporting to $(HOSTNAME)"; \
    sudo make DIST=$(DIST) CATEGORY=$(CATEGORY) \
    SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" \
    TARGET="lpmladm.$(TIMESTAMP)" \
    cd lpmladm.$(TIMESTAMP); \
    sudo tar czvf ../tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz .; \
    cd ..; scp tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz \
    lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME):~/tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz; \
    ssh lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME) sudo mv tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz /; \
    ssh lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME) sudo tar -x -z -v -C / \
    -p --same-owner -f \
    /tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz; \
    ssh lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME) sudo rm -f \
    /tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz; \
    elif (test $(METAMTARGET) = "LAUNCH"); then \
    echo "Launching process on $(HOSTNAME)"; \
    scp $(SAVE) lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME):~/$(SAVE); \
    ssh lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME) sudo perl $(SAVE); \
    ssh lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME) sudo rm -f $(SAVE); \
    else \
    echo "**** ERROR **** Incorrect METAMTARGET"; \
    MTARGET="hosts_and_domain_tab" HOSTNAME="$(HOSTNAME)" lpmladm
    make TIMESTAMP=`date +"%s"` METAMTARGET="LAUNCH" \
    MTARGET="webserverconf" HOSTNAME="$(HOSTNAME)" lpmladm
    MTARGET="rawinstall" HOSTNAME="$(HOSTNAME)" lpmladm
    # --------------------------------------------------------- start clean
    rm -f $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    make MANIFEST_lpml
    make MANIFEST_vanillatar
    make MANIFEST_cvs
    # ---------------------------------- might as well include the MANIFEST
    # ------------------------------------------ hosts.tab are belong to us
    echo 'loncom/rawhide_hosts.tab' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    echo 'loncom/production_hosts.tab' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    echo 'loncom/development_hosts.tab' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    echo 'loncom/production_domain.tab' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    echo 'loncom/development_domain.tab' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    # ------------------ Files needed for dynamically generated directories
    echo 'doc/man' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    echo 'doc/lib' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    echo 'doc/lib/perl' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    echo 'doc/lib/perl/Apache' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    echo 'doc/scripts' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    # --------------------------------------------------- Clean up MANIFEST
    cd $(SOURCE); \
    sort MANIFEST | perl -nle 'print "$(DIRTARGET)/$$_"' | \
    perl -nle 's/\w+\/\.\.\///g;s/\w+\/\.\.\///g;print' | \
    perl -nle 's/\w+\/\.\.\///g;s/\w+\/\.\.\///g;print' | \
    perl -nle 's/\w+\/\.\.\///g;s/\w+\/\.\.\///g;print' | \
    perl -nle 's/\/\.\//\//g;print' | sort | uniq > \
    cd $(SOURCE); mv -v MANIFEST_loncapa MANIFEST
   # --------------- MANIFEST files with important CVS versioning/date information
    # ------ CVS/Entries directories to retain 'time-checking' intelligence
    cd $(SOURCE); find . -type f -name 'Entries' | grep 'CVS/Entries' >> \
   # ------------------- MANIFEST the building, testing and standard loncapa files
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/buildfiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl MANIFEST development default \
    '$(SOURCE)' '$(TARGET)' | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/testfiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl MANIFEST development default \
    '$(SOURCE)' '$(TARGET)' | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/installfiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl MANIFEST development default \
    '$(SOURCE)' '$(TARGET)' | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl MANIFEST development default \
    '$(SOURCE)' '$(TARGET)' | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
   # ------------ Files for top-level (the vanilla layer that the user first sees)
    echo 'TEST' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
   # =============================================== *** STATUS REPORT TARGETS ***
    @if (test -s WARNINGS); then \
    W=`grep -c '\*\*\*\* WARNING' WARNINGS`; \
    E=`grep -c '\*\*\*\* ERROR' WARNINGS`; \
    N=`grep -c '\*\*\*\* NOTE' WARNINGS`; \
    echo "--->  $$W WARNINGS ENCOUNTERED!       "; \
    echo "--->  $$E ERRORS ENCOUNTERED!         "; \
    echo "--->  $$N NOTES ENCOUNTERED!          "; \
    echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"; \
    echo "!!!!  Please read the WARNINGS file !!!!"; \
    echo "!!!!   to make sure everything is   !!!!"; \
    echo "!!!!    correct and taken care of   !!!!"; \
    echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"; \
  install -d HTML   install -d HTML
  cp ../../doc/loncapafiles/*.gif HTML   cp $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/*.gif HTML
  perl parse.pl ../../doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.html HTML > HTML/index.html   cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl html development default "$(SOURCE)" '$(TARGET)' \
    > HTML/index.html
 status:  status:
  install -d HTML   install -d HTML
  cp ../../doc/loncapafiles/*.gif HTML   cp $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/*.gif HTML
  perl parse.pl ../../doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.html status > HTML/filestatus.html   cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl html $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(SOURCE)" "($TARGET)" | \
 LCMakefile:   perl lpml_html_posteval.pl > \
  perl parse.pl ../../doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.html LCMakefile > LCMakefile   HTML/filestatus.html
 SPEC:  statuspost: status
  perl parse.pl ../../doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.html SPEC   cp $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/*.gif \
 configinstall:    cp HTML/filestatus.html \
  # there is a dependency on having directories in place, but oh well...   $(TARGET)/home/httpd/html/lon-status/filestatus.html
  perl parse.pl ../../doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.html configinstall > Makefile.configinstall  
  make -f Makefile.configinstall SOURCE="../.." TARGET="" configfiles  rpmstatus:
  perl loncaparestoreconfigurations lasttimestamp   install -d RPMSTATUS
  make -f Makefile.configinstall TARGET="" configpermissions   rpm -qa --queryformat \
    '%{NAME}\t%{VERSION}\t%{RELEASE}\t%{BUILDTIME}\n' | sort > \
 install: build   RPMSTATUS/current.tmp
  perl parse.pl ../../doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.html install > Makefile.install   cat $(SOURCE)/doc/otherfiles/cd_rpms.txt > RPMSTATUS/standard.tmp
  make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="../.." TARGET="" directories   cat $(SOURCE)/doc/otherfiles/rpm_list.txt > RPMSTATUS/expected.tmp
  make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="../.." TARGET="" files   perl rpmparse.pl RPMSTATUS/standard.tmp RPMSTATUS/current.tmp \
  make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="../.." TARGET="" links   RPMSTATUS/expected.tmp > RPMSTATUS/rpmstatus.html
 build:  rpmstatuspost: rpmstatus
  perl parse.pl ../../doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.html build > Makefile.build   cp RPMSTATUS/rpmstatus.html /home/httpd/html/lon-status/rpmstatus.html
  make -f Makefile.build all  
   # ======================================= *** ALTERNATIVE PACKAGING TARGETS ***
 RPM: BinaryRoot  
  cat base_file_list.txt | perl make_rpm.pl base 3.1 '' '' BinaryRoot  RPM: BinaryRoot base_rpm_file_list
  cat setup_file_list.txt | perl make_rpm.pl setup 3.1 '' '' BinaryRoot   cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl make_rpm $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) $(SOURCE) $(TARGET) \
    > base_customizerpm.xml
    cat base_rpm_file_list.txt | perl make_rpm.pl base $(VERSION) \
    $(RELEASE) '' '' BinaryRoot base_customizerpm.xml
    make TARGET='lon-capa-$(VERSION)' NORESTORECONF='1' install
    @echo "You will next need to follow instructions at:"
    @echo "http://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/make_package1.html"
    @echo "A directory with a snapshot of the debian package files"
    @echo "is LON-CAPA-base."
   # What DPKG steps need to happen (for future implementation):
   # export EMAIL="" ... probably sharrison@mail.lon-capa.org
   # deb-make
   # edit debian/control
   # make debian/dirs file
   # make debian/copyright file
   # debian/README.debian... point them to LON-CAPA URLS
   # debian/changelog
   # debian/conffiles
   # debuild
   # and maybe do some GPG-related steps around here
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl rpm_file_list $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) $(SOURCE) \
    'BinaryRoot' | sort > base_rpm_file_list.txt
   BinaryRoot: base_rpm_file_list
    make TARGET='BinaryRoot' NORESTORECONF='1' install
   # ======================================== *** MASTER DOCUMENTATION TARGETS ***
    cd ../../doc/build; perl ./generate_web_pages.pl
   # Generates CVS:loncom/build/docs; root location of install.lon-capa.org
    install -d docs
    @if (test -e installation_manual.pdf); then \
    cp -vf installation_manual.pdf docs/.; \
    else \
    touch docs/installation_manual.pdf; \
    install -m 0755 -d docs/icons
    install -m 0644 $(SOURCE)/doc/icons/[^C][^V]* docs/icons
    install -m 0755 -d docs/reconfig
    cd docs; ln -fs installation_manual.pdf index.pdf
    cd docs/reconfig; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf index.pdf
    perl doc_template.pl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/reconfig.html > docs/reconfig/index.html
    install -m 0755 -d docs/reconfig/confexamples
    install -m 0644 $(SOURCE)/doc/build/confexamples/[^C][^V]* \
    perl doc_template.pl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/installindex.html > docs/index.html
    install -m 0755 -d docs/license
    cd docs/license; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf index.pdf
    perl doc_template.pl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/license.html > docs/license/index.html
    install -m 0755 -d docs/contact
    cd docs/contact; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf index.pdf
    perl doc_template.pl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/contact.html > docs/contact/index.html
    install -m 0755 -d docs/faq
    cd docs/faq; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf index.pdf
    perl doc_template.pl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/faq.html > docs/faq/index.html
    install -m 0755 -d docs/downloads
    cd docs/downloads; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf download.pdf
    perl doc_template.pl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/download.html > docs/downloads/index.html
    install -m 0755 -d docs/install
    cd docs/install; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf install.pdf
    perl doc_template.pl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/install.html > docs/install/index.html
    cp -v $(SOURCE)/doc/install/redhat7.3/new_install_rh73.html \
    cp -v $(SOURCE)/doc/install/redhat7.3/new_install_rh73.html \
    install -m 0755 -d docs/upgrade
    cd docs/upgrade; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf upgrade.pdf
    perl doc_template.pl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/upgrade.html > docs/upgrade/index.html
    cd docs; tar czvpf ../docs.tar.gz .
   pdfdoc: TEST_html2ps
    install -d pdfdoc
    /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/installindex_noform.html > pdfdoc/installindex.ps
    /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/reconfig.html | \
    perl -nle 's/\[EXAMPLE\]/\[EXAMPLE \(at end of document\)\]/g;print' \
    > pdfdoc/reconfig.ps
    /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/install.html > pdfdoc/install.ps
    /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/upgrade.html > pdfdoc/upgrade.ps
    /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/faq.html > pdfdoc/faq.ps
    /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/download.html > pdfdoc/download.ps
    /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/contact.html > pdfdoc/contact.ps
    /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
    $(SOURCE)/doc/build/license.html > pdfdoc/license.ps
   #       This creates a bad confexamples.ps... so take the long way around
   # cd $(SOURCE)/doc/build/confexamples; \
   # mpage -P- -1 -H [^C]* > ../../../loncom/build/pdfdoc/confexamples.ps
    install -d pdfdoc/confexamples
    cd $(SOURCE)/doc/build/confexamples; \
    find . -type f | cut -b3- | grep -v '^C' | grep -v 'keyword' | \
    perl -nle \
    '`mpage -P- -1 -H $$_ > ../../../loncom/build/pdfdoc/confexamples/$$_.ps`;'
    echo '' > pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo '' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo '          The Learning Online Network' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo '                    with the' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo '     Computer-Assisted Personalized Approach' >> \
    echo '' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo '' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo 'CONTENTS' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo '--------' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo 'Opening' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo 'Configuration' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo 'Installation' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo 'Upgrading a LON-CAPA Server' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo 'FAQ' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo 'Download' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo 'Contact Information' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo 'License Information' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    echo 'Configuration Examples' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
    mpage -P- -1 \
    pdfdoc/contents.txt \
    pdfdoc/installindex.ps \
    pdfdoc/reconfig.ps \
    pdfdoc/install.ps \
    pdfdoc/upgrade.ps \
    pdfdoc/faq.ps \
    pdfdoc/download.ps \
    pdfdoc/contact.ps \
    pdfdoc/license.ps \
    pdfdoc/confexamples/*.ps \
    > pdfdoc/installation_manual.ps
    ps2pdf pdfdoc/installation_manual.ps pdfdoc/installation_manual.pdf
    mv -vf pdfdoc/installation_manual.pdf .
 BinaryRoot:  # ================================================ *** KEEPING THINGS CLEAN ***
  perl parse.pl ../../doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.html BinaryRoot  
 clean:  clean:
    rm -f buildflag
  rm -Rf HTML   rm -Rf HTML
  rm -f *.spec   rm -f installation_manual.pdf
  rm -f LCMakefile   rm -f Makefile.build
    rm -f Makefile.install
    rm -f Makefile.configinstall
  rm -Rf BinaryRoot   rm -Rf BinaryRoot
  rm -f Makefile.BinaryRoot   rm -Rf SetupBinaryRoot
    rm -Rf LON-CAPA-base
    rm -f base_rpm_file_list.txt
    rm -f base_customizerpm.xml
    rm -f setup_rpm_file_list.txt
    rm -f docs.tar.gz
    rm -Rf docs
    rm -Rf pdfdoc
    rm -f program.pl*
    rm -Rf lpmladm.*
    rm -f WARNINGS
    rm -f $(SOURCE)/loncom/build/hosts.tab
    rm -f buildflag
    rm -f $(SOURCE)/README
    rm -f $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
    rm -f $(SOURCE)/TEST
    rm -f $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
    rm -f $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST_loncapa
    rm -f $(SOURCE)/loncapa
    rm -f $(SOURCE)/loncom/build/hosts.tab
    rm -f $(SOURCE)/loncapa.tar.gz
    rm -Rf HTML
    rm -f installation_manual.pdf
  rm -f Makefile.build   rm -f Makefile.build
  rm -f Makefile.install   rm -f Makefile.install
    rm -f Makefile.configinstall
    rm -Rf BinaryRoot
    rm -Rf SetupBinaryRoot
    rm -Rf LON-CAPA-base
    rm -f base_rpm_file_list.txt
    rm -f base_customizerpm.xml
    rm -f setup_rpm_file_list.txt
    rm -f docs.tar.gz
    rm -Rf docs
    rm -Rf pdfdoc
    rm -f program.pl*
    rm -Rf lpmladm.*
    make -f Makefile.cvs clean
    rm -f WARNINGS
    cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
    perl lpml_parse.pl uninstall_shell_commands $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) \
    @echo -n "**** NOTE **** A file \"UNINSTALL_SHELL_COMMANDS\" has been "
    @echo "generated."
    @echo "First, you should view the contents of this file."
    @echo "If you are happy with the 'rm -Rf'! commands (or at least"
    @echo "have another job lined up in case of catastrophe), then you "
    @echo "can execute the following: sh ./UNINSTALL_SHELL_COMMANDS"
    @echo "Not yet implemented"
    @echo "Not yet implemented"
   # ===================================================== *** AUXILIARY TESTS ***
    @if (test -e $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth.pm) && \
                !(diff $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth-std.pm \
                 $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth.pm > /dev/null); then \
    echo "**** WARNING **** $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth.pm is different than the $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth-std.pm; if you have not customized localauth.pm, then please manually overwrite localauth.pm (rm $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth.pm; ln -s $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth-std.pm $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth.pm); if you have customized localauth.pm, then please double-check to see that your customized localauth.pm is compatible with any localauth-std.pm changes for this version of LON-CAPA"| tee -a WARNINGS; \
    elif (test -e $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth.pm) && \
                 (diff $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth-std.pm \
                 $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth.pm > /dev/null); then \
    elif !(test -e $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth.pm) && \
         (test -e $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth-std.pm); then \
    ln -s $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth-std.pm $(LOCALAUTHPATH)/localauth.pm; \
   # ================================================ *** A HELPFUL DEPENDENCY ***

Removed from v.1.20  
changed lines
  Added in v.1.165

FreeBSD-CVSweb <freebsd-cvsweb@FreeBSD.org>