\label{Authoring_Dynamic_Plot_Curve_Function} The \textbf{function} tag allows you to specify the curve to be plotted as a formula, instead of numerical data. The function must be a mathematical expression. Use the independent variable ``x'' for cartesian plots and ``t'' for polar plots. Implicit multiplication is not accepted by Gnuplot. The following are examples of valid functions and invalid functions: \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{sin(x)} \item \texttt{sin(2*x)} \item \texttt{sin(x**2)} \item \texttt{exp(x)} \item \texttt{3*x**x} \item \texttt{exp(sin(2*x))} \item \texttt{sinh(x)} \item \texttt{sin(t)*cos(t)} (\textit{polar plot only}) \end{itemize}