\label{Course_Helpdesk_Access} Each domain can define custom course roles for use on an ad hoc basis by helpdesk personnel so they can assist faculty and students. A domain coordinator names these custom ad hoc roles, the privileges assigned to them, and which helpdesk personnel may temporarily acquire them. The course owner (i.e., the Course Coordinator for whom a course was created) can override the availability of any of a domain's ad hoc roles in a course, and can also modify the privileges conferred by each role. Course owners can override ad hoc role settings within their courses via People $>$ Users $>$ Helpdesk Access. Each ad hoc role defined in the course's domain will receive a tab. \begin{enumerate} \item Either (a) select ``Users'' from the drop-down list for the ``People'' item in the inline menu or, on the Main Menu page click the ``Manage course users'' \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv} item in the ``User Management'' box. \item Click ``Helpdesk Access'' \includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{helpdesk-access} in the ``Administration'' box on the User Management page. \item Click on the tab to modify settings for a particular ad hoc role. \item In the Role usage box, check the ``Set here in course'' radio button to override the domain defaults for which helpdesk personnel can use the role. Select one of the following options: \begin{itemize} \item All with domain helpdesk or helpdesk assistant role \item All with domain helpdesk role \item All with domain helpdesk assistant role \item None \item Determined based on institutional status \item Include all, but exclude specific personnel \item Exclude all, but include specific personnel \end{itemize} \item In the Role privileges box, check the checkboxes in the ``Override in Course'' column for any of the course level privileges which should differ from the default set by a domain coordinator. Checking this box will disable the privilege if it is included in the domain defaults, but enable it if it is not included in the domain defaults. \item To save any changes made in the ad hoc role displayed in the current tab click \fbox{Save changes} \end{enumerate} \vspace{20pt}