\label{Portfolio_CreateDirectory} You can organize the portfolio by using directories and subdirectories. To create a subdirectory make sure that you are in the correct directory first of all (See Changing Directory \ref{Portfolio_ChangeDirectory}). The current directory you are in is shown above the list of files. It is a link having the text "portfolio/". Once you are in the correct directory: \begin{enumerate} \item Write the name of the new subdirectory in the input box with the label "Create subdirectory in current directory:". \item Press \textbf{create subdirectory} \item A new subdirectory is created. If the name you submit has illegal characters (such as spaces), the illegal characters will be replaced by the underline character '\_'. \item Press done \end{enumerate} Creating a subdirectory does not put you inside the directory. If you wish to enter the directory you must click the directory name you have just created.