## CapaDiscuss HTML Subroutines sub NewSetHTML { print <
Class: $class
Please enter your CapaID for set $setid
NewSetHTML2 } sub ViewSetTitleHTML { print <
to Set $pdset

ViewSetTitleHTML2 } sub ViewSetTopSmallHTML { print <
ViewSetTopSmallHTML2 } sub ViewSetTopBigHTML { print <
Problem Posts
Last Post
ViewSetGutsHTML2 } sub ViewSetEndColHTML { print <
ViewSetTopBigHTML2 &ViewSetTopSmallHTML; } sub ViewSetGutsHTML { print <
$posts $lastpost
ViewSetEndColHTML2 } sub ViewSetBotHTML { print <
ViewSetBotHTML2 } sub ViewProblemTopHTML { print <
to Problem

$postbutton $adminbutton
ViewProblemTopHTML2 } sub ViewProblemGutsHTML { print <
$subject Posted by $poster on $date at $time
$delbutton $hidebutton $topbutton

ViewProblemGutsHTML2 } sub ViewProblemBotHTML { print < ViewProblemBotHTML2 } sub ViewProblemNoneHTML { print <
No messages exist for this problem number. Click on the above "Post New Message" button to post a new message.
ViewProblemNoneHTML2 } sub ReplyButtonHTML { return < ReplyButtonHTML2 } sub PostNewButtonHTML { return < PostNewButtonHTML2 } sub AdminButtonHTML { return < AdminButtonHTML2 } sub DelButtonHTML { return <

DelButtonHTML2 } sub HideButtonHTML { return <
HideButtonHTML2 } sub UnHideButtonHTML { return <
UnHideButtonHTML2 } sub TopButtonHTML { return <
TopButtonHTML2 } sub UnTopButtonHTML { return <
UnTopButtonHTML2 } sub InfoButtonHTML { return <
InfoButtonHTML2 } sub InfoBackButtonHTML { print < InfoBackButtonHTML2 } sub PostHTML { print <
Class: $class Set: $setid Problem: $probnum

Post $PostType

Click here to post anonymously*
*Name not displayed to other students
$inreplyto PostHTML2 } sub InReplyToHTML { return <In reply to:
$subject Posted by $poster on $date at $time
InReplyToHTML2 } sub PostDoneHTML { print <
Your message has been successfully posted!
PostDoneHTML2 } sub DelMsgPreHTML { print <
Posted by $poster on $date at $time
Delete this message?
DelMsgPreHTML2 } sub DelMsgDoneHTML { print <
The selected message has been successfully deleted
DelMsgDoneHTML2 } sub HideMsgPreHTML { print <
Posted by $poster on $date at $time
Hide this message?

Hiding this message will make it visible to users with administrator access only.
HideMsgPreHTML2 } sub HideMsgDoneHTML { print <
The selected message has been successfully hidden
HideMsgDoneHTML2 } sub UnHideMsgPreHTML { print <
Posted by $poster on $date at $time
Unhide this message?
UnHideMsgPreHTML2 } sub UnHideMsgDoneHTML { print <
The selected message has been successfully unhidden
UnHideMsgDoneHTML2 } sub TopMsgDoneHTML { print <
The selected message has been successfully $function
TopMsgDoneHTML2 } ## Admin HTML Subroutines sub AdminMainHTML { print <
Administrator Functions
AdminMainHTML2 } sub AdminUserSearchHTML { print <
User Search
User searching allows administrators to search the message bases for a specified username and display summary information.
AdminUserSearchHTML2 } sub MFNewPostHTML { print < You have not filled in all of the appropriate message information. Please go back and fill in the subject and message fields.

MFNewPostHTML2 exit; } sub MFPostReplyHTML { print < You have not filled in all of the appropriate message information. Please go back and fill in the subject and message fields.

MFPostReplyHTML2 exit; } sub InvalidVarsHTML { print < you have entered one or more invalid variables. InvalidVarsHTML2 exit; } sub BadPassHTML { print < You have entered an incorrect CAPA ID for this set BadPassHTML2 exit; } sub NotAdminHTML { print < You are not an administrator
This operation is not available NotAdminHTML2 exit; } 1;